
Showing posts from October, 2013

Rejuvenate your life with a SMILE

“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.”   ―   Santosh Kalwar You can bring a smile on your face when you are contented, you can also smile when you don’t wish to, but a fake smile would do to make others pleased. A smile on the face is just a proof for others to show them that everything is bright in you haphazard life.... yes that is what you do... you crack jokes, you laugh aloud only when you are among your peer groups.... Can you recall when was the last time you saw yourself smiling in the mirror? AAAAAAAAHA... a tough one to think...... but nevertheless we all our trapped in the similar circumstances. Every day we wake up with handful of tensions and with new list of problems. It is a human behaviour when you see others smile and relaxed in their life, you feel jealous and that jealousy vanishes away the smile from your face. It happens because of the competitiveness...

Google v/s Human Brain

Today, I was just flipping the pages of the newspaper, when my eyes caught on an interesting article which said, “GOOGLE HAS MADE PEOPLE FORGETFUL”. I stressed on my mental organs to think that how far is it true, and finally came over a conclusion which was in the favour of the article that I had read in the evening. It is a well known fact that in the past few years with the preamble of new technologies, the humans have given rest to its Cerebrum and focuses more on internet search. It goes the same way, that when everything is served on your platter, then why do you need to search for food? Just think for a minute, can you discuss any term in detail without searching for it on Google? Most of us will answer it as a NO. Why is it so? Has Google made us so dependent in the past few decades? Earlier how did people worked with so much of efficiency when the word GOOGLE was still unfamiliar. Those minds worked, because for them there main strengths were their intelligenc...